Light Bulb Baking

A History of the Easy-Bake® Oven

by: Todd Coopee

The story of Sonderho Press began with this award-winning book! Todd Coopee, our founder, created a project that would combine his passion for research and writing, his skill with web technology, and his lifelong hobby collecting nostalgic toys.

The iconic EasyBake® Oven was about to celebrate its 50th anniversary, and Todd envisioned a history of this iconic and photogenic toy. He worked closely with our editor and designer to develop the vision for how best to tell the story in words and images.

Todd wrote the history to fit the design template we created. Editing, custom photography, and design proceeded simultaneously, as we had a deadline: the upcoming holiday season! Todd orchestrated a book launch and created a website for the book.

This collector’s item has won several awards, has been featured in many articles and reviews, and continues to sell well—especially during the holiday season. The book also helped Todd launch a second career as toy historian and editor-in-chief of, an online publication that covers toys and games past and present. He’s currently working on a second history book about toy history.